Why choose MyCoverPlan Gap Insurance?
With our cost-effective insurance, and streamline claims process, MyCoverPlan make things simple. Whether your vehicle is involved in a total loss accident, fire or theft, our GAP insurance will pay the difference between your motor insures settlement and the greater of either the outstanding finance, or the invoice price of the vehicle.
We pay up to £250 towards your motor excess
Rated excellent on Trustpilot
Claim Limit up to £75,000
Cover for all named drivers over the age of 21 years on your policy
You can transfer your policy for free on our RTI and VRI products
Key eligibility
To take out a MyCoverPlan policy, you will need to be at least 21 years old
Anyone driving the vehicle must also be at least 21 years old to be covered under this policy
You must have a fully comprehensive insurance policy throughout the duration of the Gap policy
Ultimate combined RTI GAP

Insurance Payout
GAP Payout
Purchase price of your vehicle £35,000
Motor Insurers Settlement £25,000
GAP Policy Payout £10,000
What GAP polices do we offer and what do they do?
MyCoverPlan Combined GAP RTI Plus
In the event your car is either written off due to an accident or stolen and not recovered, causing your motor insurer to declare your vehicle a “total loss”, this policy will pay the difference between your motor insurers settlement and the greater of either the outstanding finance or the Invoice price of the vehicle.
MyCoverPlan Finance Gap Plus
In the event your car is either written off due to an accident or stolen and not recovered, causing your motor insurer to declare your vehicle a “total loss”, this policy will pay the difference between your motor insurers settlement and the outstanding finance/contract hire agreement of the vehicle.
We also offer the following products
Scratch & Dent Insurance
Coming soon!
Combined Tyre & Alloy Insurance
Coming soon!